
Facebook Oculus had developed name candidates for their new virtual reality headset but wanted to understand the strategic potential of each name and move their organization towards a final decision.


Facebook Oculus leveraged Lexicon’s proprietary research based on cognitive science and linguistics. Lexicon’s strategic analysis concluded that the brand name Oculus Go performed best across all metrics and was squarely on goal for Facebook’s new brand, especially within the millennial target audience. Lexicon’s research suggested that with the name Oculus Go, consumers anticipated both a fun and interesting mobile video experience, as well as a device that was portable and easy to travel with.

What Is The Value of a Lexicon Created Brand Name?

Truly effective names deliver fundamental value — they drive revenue. They give power and momentum to new ideas. Creating an effective name is not just a good thing, it is essential to success.

Here’s how we create them:

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